APS – Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten
APS is short for Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten. APS executes the pension plan for employees of the government, institutions affiliated with the government and employees in a number of education institutions.
APS was established on 10 October 2010 after the creation of Sint Maarten as an independent country in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. APS is one of the legal successors of the Algemeen Pensioenfonds Nederlandse Antillen (APNA), which arranged these pensions prior to the constitutional reform.
APS is charged with the execution of the pension scheme as governed by the National Pension Ordinance Civil Servants, AB 2013, no. 785 (in Dutch: “Pensioenlandsverordening Overheidsdienaren” (PLvO)) which was amended on July 1, 2016 by AB 2016, no. 16 and AB 2016, no. 25. The latest amendment regarding the PLvO dates from July 1, 2020 by the Revised National Pension Ordinance Civil Servants, AB 2020, no. 34 (in Dutch: “Landsverordening herziening pensioen Overheidsdienaren” (LHPO)).
As a pension fund, APS executes pension schemes and handles pension matters for present and former employees of government and government related organizations. This also includes persons who worked for the former federal government of the Netherlands Antilles and other federal entities.
APS has a board of four members in which employers and employees are represented. There is an independent chair. The board members are appointed for a term of five years and can be reappointed. Before they are appointed, they are assessed by the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten, which is the supervisor of APS. In addition, APS comes under the control of the National Audit Office.
APS has nearly 2.800 active participants and more than 1.200 pensioners. Total assets of the fund stood at ANG 815 million as of Dec 31, 2020.
The senior’s pension is the pension that you receive from age 65 until you pass away. The senior’s pension is calculated based on your average salary, the accrual percentage and the number of service years. Allowance is also made for the fact that you will receive AOV from the government.
For more information see: www.apsxm.org and via email: info@apsxm.org
The applicationform can be downloaded from the website (look for ‘forms’)